
Monday, August 10, 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat - 9 Surefire Ways

The reason why you should lose belly fat is more than just cosmetic. The fat below your skin is not the kind of fat you need to worry much about; unless, of course, you are aiming for a ripped body. But, the kind of fat that builds up in your belly, known as visceral fat, is the one you need to get rid of without any delay. This kind of fat builds up in between your internal organs and around it; hence the name “visceral fat”. It is the most stubborn kind of fat and is linked to heart diseases, diabetes and even cancer.

How to Lose Belly Fat
How to Lose Belly Fat: 9 Surefire Ways

Even a person with a healthy body weight could have visceral fat. You will often come across people who are otherwise slim, but have a lot of fat around their midsection. So, simply losing weight is not going to cut the deal. You have to incorporate ways that target ‘belly fat’. You will have to make these part of your lifestyle and slowly you will see the “muffin top” disappear.

Friday, August 7, 2015

khloe kardashian weight loss

Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Secret

After years of being ridiculed by her weight, Khloé Kardashian has noticeably been shedding pounds lately -- find out how she lost 10 pounds in just 10 days!

The "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star's personal trainer Gunnar Peterson recently revealed to OK! Magazine that his client is dedicated to make the perfect beach body for this summer.

"She works so hard," he said. "She comes in every single morning."

Lemon Water to Lose Belly Fat

Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat:

Implement these really effective natural home remedies to lose belly fat without much strain. These home remedies are natural, cost affordable, easy available, most effective ones to treat your belly fat problem. But be patience that these remedies will take some longer time to give quick relief of losing your belly fat

Lemon Water: Stressed liver will not metabolize the fat efficiently and that gets deposited around your abdomen. So to detoxify the liver, you can use lemon water. Lemon water increases the enzymes that help to detoxify the liver and to carry out the basic functions very effectively. Here lemon juice mixed in warm water is good for fat burning purpose.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Extreme weight loss surgery works

Extreme weight loss surgery works, but is it thanks to the knife—or the microbes?

If you need to lose a lot of weight, surgeons have a drastic option: They can reroute and sometimes remove parts of your stomach, making it smaller. But instead of limiting the amount of food you can eat, the surgery may work by triggering long-term changes in the types of microbes that inhabit your intestines, a new study suggests. If so, altering the kinds of microbes that live in your gut may be a simpler—and safer—route to weight loss.

The research provides “some of the best evidence in humans so far” that bariatric surgery works “in part by changing the bacteria in your gut,” says David Cummings, an endocrinologist at the University of Washington, Seattle, who was not involved with the work.

Weight Loss Smoothies

Looking for best Weight Loss Smoothies ?

Take advantage of strawberries and blueberries and stock up so you can make this deliciously smooth yogurt smoothie.

The fruit adds natural sweetness, and the yogurt makes it rich and creamy.

The almonds add healthy fats, fiber, and protein to keep you full, and with a good blender, you won't even notice that they're there.

For just over 350 calories, 9.2 grams of fiber, and 15 grams of protein, this makes a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie to enjoy if you're trying to lose weight.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Weight loss surgery in Scotland

HOSPITAL treatment for people classed as dangerously obese has surged in recent years with bariatric surgeries increasing by more than one third between 2012 and 2015, new figures showed.

Figures obtained by the Liberal Democrats showed that between 2012 and 2015, 713 Scots underwent bariatric surgery to support weight loss - a 36 per cent increase on the number of operations completed in Scotland between 2009 and 2011.

Weight Loss Tips That Can Kill You

 Harmful Pills : Don't ever think that pills can help you lose weight. It is one of the crazy tips most women follow to break down the fats in the body. Popping pills often lead to depression and other stomach related problems.

Working Out : Over doing it at the gym is harmful for the body. When you over do it at exercising, gradually you are allowing your body to die.

Essential Oils For Weight Loss

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage Therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.   

Massage Therapy Benefits

According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, which included a comprehensive survey of CAM use by Americans, an estimated 18 million U.S. adults and 700,000 children had received massage therapy in the previous year.

People use massage for a variety of health-related purposes, including to relieve pain, rehabilitate sports injuries, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address anxiety and depression, and aid general wellness.

Dementia drugs can lead to harmful weight loss

Common drugs used to treat dementia can result in harmful weight loss in the elderly, researchers have warned.

Alzheimer's disease and other dementias affect one in six people aged over 80.

The main drug treatments, a class of medications called cholinesterase inhibitors are marginally beneficial for most patients and may have serious side effects such as gastrointestinal symptoms.

Weight loss also is a significant problem in dementia patients and linked to increased mortality.

Data from randomized controlled trials suggests this weight loss may be an under-recognized side effect of cholinesterase inhibitors.

How protein is your secret weight-loss weapon

Don’t dismiss that chicken or cheese just yet - it could be the key to helping you slim down.

Eat more to lose weight? Sounds like a dream doesn’t it?

Well it isn’t – as long as it’s chomping shed loads of the right thing. And that thing is protein.

According to Shona Wilkinson, Head Nutritionist at, protein is a vital ingredient you should eat more of to aid weight loss.

“Protein provides amino acids, each of them having a very specific role. They are needed to keep your metabolism up, to boost your energy levels and to produce the ‘happy hormone’ that can stop you craving comfort foods,” she commented.